

typedef struct mmdeploy_pose_tracker *mmdeploy_pose_tracker_t
typedef struct mmdeploy_pose_tracker_state *mmdeploy_pose_tracker_state_t
struct mmdeploy_pose_tracker_param_t

Public Members

int32_t det_interval
int32_t det_label
float det_thr
float det_min_bbox_size
float det_nms_thr
int32_t pose_max_num_bboxes
float pose_kpt_thr
int32_t pose_min_keypoints
float pose_bbox_scale
float pose_min_bbox_size
float pose_nms_thr
float *keypoint_sigmas
int32_t keypoint_sigmas_size
float track_iou_thr
int32_t track_max_missing
int32_t track_history_size
float std_weight_position
float std_weight_velocity
float smooth_params[3]
struct mmdeploy_pose_tracker_target_t

Public Members

mmdeploy_point_t *keypoints
int32_t keypoint_count
float *scores
mmdeploy_rect_t bbox
uint32_t target_id
int mmdeploy_pose_tracker_default_params(mmdeploy_pose_tracker_param_t *params)

Fill params with default parameters.




status of the operation

int mmdeploy_pose_tracker_create(mmdeploy_model_t det_model, mmdeploy_model_t pose_model, mmdeploy_context_t context, mmdeploy_pose_tracker_t *pipeline)

Create pose tracker pipeline.

  • det_model[in] detection model object, created by mmdeploy_model_create

  • pose_model[in] pose model object

  • context[in] context object describing execution environment (device, profiler, etc…), created by mmdeploy_context_create

  • pipeline[out] handle of the created pipeline


status of the operation

void mmdeploy_pose_tracker_destroy(mmdeploy_pose_tracker_t pipeline)

Destroy pose tracker pipeline.



int mmdeploy_pose_tracker_create_state(mmdeploy_pose_tracker_t pipeline, const mmdeploy_pose_tracker_param_t *params, mmdeploy_pose_tracker_state_t *state)

Create a tracker state handle corresponds to a video stream.

  • pipeline[in] handle of a pose tracker pipeline

  • params[in] params for creating the tracker state

  • state[out] handle of the created tracker state


status of the operation

void mmdeploy_pose_tracker_destroy_state(mmdeploy_pose_tracker_state_t state)

Destroy tracker state.


state[in] handle of the tracker state

int mmdeploy_pose_tracker_apply(mmdeploy_pose_tracker_t pipeline, mmdeploy_pose_tracker_state_t *states, const mmdeploy_mat_t *frames, const int32_t *use_detect, int32_t count, mmdeploy_pose_tracker_target_t **results, int32_t **result_count)

Apply pose tracker pipeline, notice that this function supports batch operation by feeding arrays of size count to states, frames and use_detect.

  • pipeline[in] handle of a pose tracker pipeline

  • states[in] tracker states handles, array of size count

  • frames[in] input frames of size count

  • use_detect[in] control the use of detector, array of size count -1: use params.det_interval, 0: don’t use detector, 1: force use detector

  • count[in] batch size

  • results[out] a linear buffer contains the tracked targets of input frames. Should be released by mmdeploy_pose_tracker_release_result

  • result_count[out] a linear buffer of size count contains the number of tracked targets of the frames. Should be released by mmdeploy_pose_tracker_release_result


status of the operation

void mmdeploy_pose_tracker_release_result(mmdeploy_pose_tracker_target_t *results, const int32_t *result_count, int count)

Release result objects.

  • results[in]

  • result_count[in]

  • count[in]